Real Pasture Progress


The woods we began transforming over three years ago are finally beginning to grow grass!  A view from the girls sheep barn.


This area was very think forest and is still littered with stumps.  The grass is very lush where it grows mostly because of drainage runoff.


This area is between the two sheep barns.  It was also very thick with low brush and adult Maple trees.  As the Maples have been thinned out the grass is peaking through.  Something about old leaves makes the forest floor resistant to change.


This area had all the saplings cut down last year.  Again the grass is showing nicely where the sun can get to the ground but there is a lot of clean up work still left to do.  So many branches and logs on the ground!


This area behind the goat barn was once heavy thicket.  We now have to bring the sheep in to keep the grass under control.


This years lambs are growing nicely!


This is the view from our kitchen window.  The rolling green hill looks just wonderful.  This was heavy thicket when we first moved here, you couldn’t even see what was back here.  We are going to keep the sheep out of this area until the grass gets really thick to allow it to really take root.


This was a marshy are behind the goat barn that could only be walked on in the Winter.  We have been using it for hay disposal and it is slowly filling in.  Still very mushy but getting there.


More deep woods.  We are going to extend the fences this Summer so by the time the sheep get back here their should be some good eating available.

The Commander has already worn out one wood chipper and we have been harvesting fire wood to take us through the Winters yet there is still so much ground clutter.  This may be a job that seems to never end.  I am happy that we are finally getting to the point where the animals can graze for longer periods of time.

We are going to leave some trees to try and keep the pastures scenic if that makes sense.

Take a look back at May 31st, 2010!
Clearing Continues

6 comments on “Real Pasture Progress

  1. ianholl says:

    It’s a lot of work, that’s for sure. About leaving a few scenic trees, be careful they are not the suckering variety, or you will be whacking them down forever!

  2. Donna says:

    Looking good!

    • Chai Chai says:

      Donna – It really is like being in a different place from when we first got here. The sad thing is that we are really doing it for whoever lives here next as the project is so “long term”.

  3. ohiofarmgirl says:

    wow! great work! we are in a never ending battle with The Impenetrable Forest… so much work!

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