

I got a late start milking this year so by the time I started with Pebbles one side of her udder was under stimulated from lack of use.  Pebbles is my Mini-Alpine, a cross between an Alpine doe and Nigerian buck.  She gives more milk from one side than the other two Nigerian’s combined.  The milk still has the rich buttermilk flavor of the Nigerians yet it comes in a goat who is of a size that is much easier to handle – and milk.



Pebbles is barely larger than the Nigerians and fits right in with the herd.  She is a first generation Mini-Alpine and I am going to breed her this year to a first generation Mini-Alpine buck to get a second generation kid.  The milk production is just fantastic while the hay fuel required to get it is basically the same!

4 comments on “Mini-Alpine

  1. Mary Ann says:

    And she’s a beauty, to boot!

  2. Donna says:

    She’s absolutely beautiful! And adorable. Man I love those colors and markings!

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